Our players’ health is our number one priority. We want every member of the DietBet community to be healthy, which means losing weight in a gradual manner and stopping when you’ve reached a safe and stable place for your body. To enforce this, we do not allow players to join a game if their BMI is below 18.5 (considered underweight) or will fall below 18.5 by achieving the game’s goal.
To prevent our weight loss challenges from fostering drastic, unhealthy weight loss, each game has specific maximum weight loss thresholds. We will contact players who exceed these limits, and they are disqualified from winning the game.
Kickstarter Maximum Weight Loss
- 12% of your initial weight
Transformer Maximum Weight Loss
- Round 1: 12% of your initial weight
- Round 2: 18% of your initial weight
- Round 3: 24% of your initial weight
- Round 4: 27% of your initial weight
- Round 5: 30% of your initial weight
- Round 6: 30% of your initial weight
- Players are also disqualified for losing more than 12% in any round. For example, if your starting weight is 200 pounds, and you go into Round 2 at 192 pounds, you cannot lose more than 23 pounds in Round 2 (12% of 192).