There are a lot of different reasons to try DietBet, but perhaps the most powerful is that, well, it works. Simply put, DietBet is an online weight loss game that works because putting skin in the game (your pledge) significantly increases your likelihood of success by making your commitment real. Add to that an incredibly supportive community, targeted micro-goals, and the opportunity to get back your pledge plus extra if you meet the goal, and it’s pretty hard not to lose weight while playing in a game. In fact, 96% of DietBet players lose weight.
DietBet is based on scientific principles of behavioral change and has underpinnings in research from the University of Pennsylvania, Brown Medical School, and the Mayo Clinic—all to ensure our weight loss games will actually help people lose weight. In fact, DietBet was the subject of a journal article by Brown Medical School that won the Obesity Society’s eHealth award.
So, try DietBet because it’ll work. Or try it because you want to earn some extra money to buy a new coat. Or try it because it’s full of incredible people just waiting to support you. Or try it because it’s pretty darn fun. Whatever reason is yours, we’ll be thrilled to have you join our community. You’ve got this.