While we don’t use the c-word much around here (cheating), we have a zero tolerance policy. You may be able to snag a couple of bucks by sending in fake photos or pretending to do the day’s activity. But WayBetter is about personal growth and accountability. So really, the person you hurt the most is yourself.
If your account is flagged for suspicious activity, you may be asked for additional information from our referees. Failure to provide sufficient proof that your activity has met the game’s requirements may result in any of the following:
- Not counting the activity in question
- Redoing the activity entirely
- Removal from the game(s) with or without a refund
- Forfeiting pot payouts
- Being banned from our platform(s)
Unsportsmanlike conduct
Repeated unsportsmanlike conduct within our games may also result in removal or banning at our referee’s discretion. These include (but are not limited to):
- Abuse of any exceptions and courtesies extended by the WayBetter team.
- Unsupportive comments
- Bullying
- Shaming
- Foul language
- Soliciting other businesses or apps
Learn more about our community guidelines
Final say
If a player is unable to provide proof of activity completion or disregards the rules or spirit of our games, the referee has the authority to make a decision in their case. Referee decisions are final.