Don’t confuse our financial commitments for gambling! If you’re here primarily to win money, you’ve come to the wrong place. We’re no casino. Indeed, even if you win all your games in the WayBetter app, you probably won’t win enough in a year to offset your membership fees.
However, if you’re here to improve your health and happiness, you’ve come to the right place!
WayBetter is a new kind of applied-science company that employs what behavioral scientists call “contingency management”, an established technique that uses financial incentives to improve adherence. Specifically, we use a form of contingency management called “deposit contracts” which have been shown effective in treating many clinical problems in peer-reviewed studies, including our own.
To avoid any hint of gambling, we keep the stakes low and cap the number of games you can play. All the money we collect in financial commitments at the start is distributed evenly among the winners at the end. We take no “house cut”. Our business model is nothing like a casino’s. Members pay us for something more valuable than money: sustainable health and happiness!
So bottom line … while there’s money on the line, it’s never about the money. It’s about getting you to invest in your health, to build momentum and confidence, and stick to your commitments. And if you prefer not to motivate yourself with our financial commitments, no problem! You can play with our non-monetary forms of Motivation Boosters.
For any lawyers reading, we’ll add that winning or losing in our games involves no element of chance and nothing outside your direct control. Winning is a result of your hard work, not luck.
WayBetter’s aspiration is to solve our society’s healthcare crisis by innovating new ways – using behavioral science and behavioral economics – to tackle obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and other non-communicable diseases that can be reversed through sustained behavior changes. Unlike gambling, what we do is positive for our users as well as for society.